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  • Later Life Planning:
    ​to live life to the fullest

Later Life Planning:
​to live life to the fullest

What would you like to know more about?

Retirement Planning for a Fulfilled Life

If you’re in the thick of working life then you probably won’t be thinking about your later years. 

But now is the time to act. 
And if you’re retired or coming up to retirement, we’ll need to act quickly.

We can make it easy to prepare for your potential needs in later life. We take a pragmatic approach based on our own experiences, so you can have those conversations that we understand nobody finds comfortable.

A First Class Proposition

Pillar One

Our fundamental and unshakable belief in our independent status; a status which allows us consider, select and review solutions from the entire investment universe.

Our Investment proposition is the engine which powers our business. It determines, governs and sets the parameters for the advice we give our clients. It’s how we do things.

It enables us to maximise efficiency, reduce costs and ensure that the investment journey of each and every client is dictated by their individual needs. It facilitates the open and ongoing communication that forms the bedrock of the service we provide.

We believe our carefully constructed and curated “best of breed” investment ecosystem delivers the best possible outcomes for our clients. It’s built upon two central pillars:

Pillar Two

The Furnley House Investment Philosophy, developed over decades of collective experience in guiding clients toward the achievement of their financial goals, the central tenet of which is always keeping the client at the heart of everything we do.

The company that lives by it's values