Blog by Weronika

Investing with Values: A Beginner's Guide to ESG Investments and Our Approach
We currently live in a time where we face many global challenges such as climate change and social inequality.
24.11.23 11:26 AM - Comment(s)
Your Questions Answered: Why was investment performance stronger in the first five years of the portfolios compared with the more recent five years?
We recognise that not all clients will have experienced the full period set out in our previous blog here, or indeed experienced precisely the same investment path,
24.11.23 11:26 AM - Comment(s)
"Shouldn't I just put it all in cash instead?"
It’s a question many investors have been asking themselves lately: “With interest rates now the highest they have been for years, shouldn’t I get my money out of the markets and just put it in the bank instead?”
24.11.23 11:26 AM - Comment(s)
How to get your offer accepted
So you've finally found your dream property after months of searching. Your deposit is sorted, you have a provisional mortgage decision from a lender which means you are now at the pivotal moment of making your offer!
24.11.23 11:26 AM - Comment(s)
We are now a Certified B Corporation 
The Superbia Group, a financial services organisation encompassing the award-winning advice firm Furnley House and investment firms Asset Intelligence Research and Asset Intelligence Portfolio Management, has announced its certification as a B Corporation...
15.09.23 08:26 AM - Comment(s)
Your Questions Answered: Why do you still get paid when my portfolio loses money?
This is a question commonly asked of financial advisers and the investment management industry – and it is fair that it is tackled head-on...
25.08.23 08:26 AM - Comment(s)
Buying a house, whether it’s your first home or your fifteenth, is a very exciting time. However, it is not without it’s stresses, and one of the biggest causes of this can be applying for a mortgage...
07.08.23 08:31 AM - Comment(s)
Your Questions Answered: How has Furnley House performed relative to its peers in the investment management industry?
Following feedback derived from the Quarterly Investment Review, we have decided to show portfolio returns against an informal comparator we monitor our performance against known as the ‘ARC indices’...
28.07.23 08:27 AM - Comment(s)
Your Questions Answered: Is this drop going to stop?
Our view as to the outlook for markets has become gradually more positive since the start of the year...
14.07.23 08:27 AM - Comment(s)
Your Questions Answered - July 2023
We’ve put some of your questions to our team...
03.07.23 08:27 AM - Comment(s)