Blog categorized as Latest Blog

How do I check if an adviser is legitimate?
Choosing the right financial adviser might feel overwhelming, but if you need help with your financial planning, it’s well worth persevering. The right adviser can save you money and reduce stress.
01.02.24 01:23 PM - Comment(s)
Fundment and Furnley House 

If you are a client of Furnley House, you may well have come across Fundment as part of your financial planning process.

In this blog, we answer some commonly asked questions about who Fundment are and what they do.


What is Fundment?

Fundment is our preferred investment platform. An investme...

26.01.24 09:45 AM - Comment(s)
From dreams to reality: Leicester's Inspirational Home Transformation
Leicester's Inspirational Home Transformation
19.01.24 10:49 AM - Comment(s)
What happens after my mortgage offer is accepted?

Congratulations are in order! After all the stress and countless hours spent searching for your dream home, the moment you’ve been waiting for has arrived-you’ve finally had an offer accepted. As exciting as this time may feel, it is complete...

15.12.23 01:17 PM - Comment(s)
What about gold?
With asset markets having been so turbulent over the past couple of years, it’s understandable that some investors may be pondering whether other options might be able to offer them higher returns and a smoother ride.
30.11.23 12:54 PM - Comment(s)
Asset Intelligence Comment: Autumn Statement 2023
In existence and winning elections for almost two centuries, it is sometimes said that the Conservative and Unionist Party is one of the most successful political outfits in the history of democratic nations.
24.11.23 11:26 AM - Comment(s)
Investing with Values: A Beginner's Guide to ESG Investments and Our Approach
We currently live in a time where we face many global challenges such as climate change and social inequality.
24.11.23 11:26 AM - Comment(s)
Your Questions Answered: Why was investment performance stronger in the first five years of the portfolios compared with the more recent five years?
We recognise that not all clients will have experienced the full period set out in our previous blog here, or indeed experienced precisely the same investment path,
24.11.23 11:26 AM - Comment(s)
"Shouldn't I just put it all in cash instead?"
It’s a question many investors have been asking themselves lately: “With interest rates now the highest they have been for years, shouldn’t I get my money out of the markets and just put it in the bank instead?”
24.11.23 11:26 AM - Comment(s)
From Professional Rugby to Financial Advice: an interview with Graham Kitchener.
If you are a fan of rugby, particularly the Leicester Tigers, you may recognise Graham Kitchener. Now, he’s traded the pitch for pensions and is an independent Financial Adviser here at Furnley House.
24.11.23 11:26 AM - Comment(s)