
Blog by Alicia

Do I need Private Medical Insurance?
Wondering if Private Medical Insurance is worth it? Discover its true value in our latest blog! We explore the benefits and help you navigate if it's the right fit for you.
17.04.24 01:05 PM - Comment(s)
Can I get a mortgage if I have bad credit? 

If you're considering purchasing your first home, relocating, or seeking to remortgage, concerns about how a poor credit rating may impact your plans could arise. But it is not impossible - discover your available options and learn steps to improve your credit score. 

03.04.24 01:55 PM - Comment(s)
Breaking Barriers: Furnley House Financial Planning Partners - Empowering women in finance. 

On International Women’s Day, multi-award-winning Financial Planning Partners, Furnley House is inspired to shed light on how it is bucking the trend in financial services. It’s no secret that the industry is typically male dominated; however, we are happy to be breaking down barriers with 18 women ...

08.03.24 11:14 AM - Comment(s)
What is business protection insurance, and do I need it?

It’s important not to wait until it’s too late, as you never know what obstacle may be thrown in your way! Business protection insurance helps owners plan for the unexpected, by providing cover to ensure that companies can continue with minimal disruption following the loss or illness of one of thei...

27.02.24 02:52 PM - Comment(s)
How do I check if an adviser is legitimate?
Choosing the right financial adviser might feel overwhelming, but if you need help with your financial planning, it’s well worth persevering. The right adviser can save you money and reduce stress.
01.02.24 01:23 PM - Comment(s)
From dreams to reality: Leicester's Inspirational Home Transformation
Leicester's Inspirational Home Transformation
19.01.24 10:49 AM - Comment(s)
What happens after my mortgage offer is accepted?

Congratulations are in order! After all the stress and countless hours spent searching for your dream home, the moment you’ve been waiting for has arrived-you’ve finally had an offer accepted. As exciting as this time may feel, it is complete...

15.12.23 01:17 PM - Comment(s)
What about gold?
With asset markets having been so turbulent over the past couple of years, it’s understandable that some investors may be pondering whether other options might be able to offer them higher returns and a smoother ride.
30.11.23 12:54 PM - Comment(s)